

WHEAT (GOST R9353-2016) is a main cereal culture of civilization, actively used throughout the Earth.
There are two sorts of wheat – winter and spring, divided by the season of sowing (autumn or early spring).
The main field of application is the production of bakery products, cereals and alcohol. Simultaneously, wheat is used in agrocomplexes as the main and additional feed product. The value of this cereal is determined by the content of useful microelements, the most important of which are proteins, fats and carbohydrates

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BARLEY (GOST 28672-2019) is a popular cultivated cereal, with the history of cultivation more than 10 thousand years. Barley is actively used in the production of a wide range of products, as well as as feed. It is widely used in classical brewing also. The nutritional value of this culture is in the rich protein content required for cell building.

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CORN (GOST 13634-90) is widespread agriculture, used for food and feed purposes. The main nutritional advantages of corn are high content of potassium, phosphorus and vitamins of the deficit group. Corn is also used in folk medicine and pharmacology as an effective cholagogue. Аnother aspect of the usefulness of this crop for the food industry is the production of corn oil and flour.

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Legumes (PEAS) (GOST 28674-2019). Peas is the most popular plant from all legumes with rich content of amino acids that determines the high nutritional value of this product. Peas is widely used in food industry, cooking and folk medicine. This unpretentious, frost-resistant plant is an effective fertilizer, saturating the soil with nitrogenous compounds through the root system.

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